Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Everything's better in french or cursive.

Does anyone else not like the fact that they don't have cursive font on here?
Oh well I guess, haha.

Alright, so, I'm going to tell you about my day.

I wake up in the morning feeling like P-diddy.
 ahh, just kidding.
So, I woke up at six a.m., put on my clothes and went back to sleep.
woke up again at six fifty a.m., went back to sleep.
woke up and finally got out of bed at six fifty-five a.m.,
I did my hair, and also my make-up, brushed my teeth then headed out the door.

Pulled up at school, early as always. 
But it's better to go early rather than not at all, right?
I don't know.
Anyways, first period wasn't too much fun, 
my friends always get a laugh out of me in that class, 
I don't really like it a lot. There's a line between the ha-ha's and just annoying. 

Second, not to be confused with third- Science finals, 
blahhh, haha, not too hard though.

Third period.- I like this class, it's my creative writing class, 
and we're on the unit of poetry. 
Today I just read mostly in the class. I really enjoy the book I'm reading.

EARP- Couldn't focus too much on my book, I was too excited about lunch.

lunch- grrrrrrosssssssss, grilled cheese? minus the grilled, plus extra grease. 
After scarfing down some oreos, I walked to the end of the road, 
where Allison and my boyfriend, Craig picked me up. 
Sat at there house for twenty minutes and they took me back to school.

fifth- I was late but the teacher didn't notice. 
It was graded clean-up day= non stop coughing.

sixth- Finals, two essays- I didn't know much about either topics.

seventh- OAKS reading test- boring stories, almost finished though.

eighth- I actually like this class. It's called alt. ed, it's like a study hall.
I have two friends I like being around in there, Tylor and Jacob. 
Tylor just cracks jokes and farts the whole time and 
Jacob just makes me smile! (:


It takes days to walk to Craig's, and I sprained my foot, I don't know how.
We watched some wrestling movie and cuddled on the couch, I like days like that.
You see, Craig makes my day a whole lot better.
He's the only good part of my day sometimes.
I don't know what I'm going to do when he's gone for like a week,
probably go crazy or something.
just kidding.
Had a lovely time at Craig's and went home.

Played with my boys. (the dogs.)
Max is missing, I hope he's okay.
I made something to eat and some hot cocoa, but it didn't turn out so good.
And now I'm going to go take a shower and let my brother go to bed, 
because I'm on his pc.

PS: me and Craig take the cutest pictures ever.
Especially, when they're pictures of him when he lets me write stuff on his collar bones.

have a nice day. <3