Friday, January 14, 2011

high five, yeah?

"I guess I still miss you.
but talking's for functioning people."

I missed yesterday, so there will be two today.

It seems like so much has happened in two days. Craig's locked up till the twenty-first.
haha, yeah, my criminal boyfriend.
Just kidding, it's nothing serious at all, haha.

 Two days ago, my dads cousin, Devern, told me something that is starting to make a lot of sense.
he said to me, "If humans could be an eighth as loyal as a dog is, it'd be totally different. You could beat a dog half to death and it'll come right back to you with it's tail between it's legs. Dogs will never leave you, never stab you in the back, my dog is my best friend, really."

It got me thinking, what if people were like dogs?
I mean, if they answered every time you called them.
If they stayed with you through the worst of times.
If they never told anyone your secrets.
If they never let you be alone.
I think that'd be pretty nice.

I think I might know some dogs, but only a few.
and of course I have my dogs T-pain and Bones,
or should I say my kids? haha.


1 4 3, I lalala love you.
Rest in peace, my baby Julio<3

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